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We help you in providing man power to build your own off-shore team.

As online business demands dedicated 24 X 7 team resources. You need to have your own technical manpower, which is cost and service effective.

We BitraNet, extend our services in providing thorough professionals with rich experience in latest web technologies like PHP, AJAX and data bases like Ms-SQL and My-SQL.

Our resources are having minimum 3 years of experience on developing different portals and web based applications. These resources are trained by us at our world class training institution BitraNet Training Division, we can assure you that they can be on job from the day one. Our team is fully equipped with all the communication tools like messenger, e-mail and phone.
Why our Resources at your service:
arrow Infrastructure
arrow Well equipped Development Centre
arrow Latest Infrastructure with sufficient power backup
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arrow Duration-wise manpower allocation
arrow Manpower
arrow Well trained team on latest technologies
arrow Highly professionalism
arrow Ease at handling critical issues
arrow Good analytical skills
arrow Web Developers
arrow Domain Experts

Rich experience on technologies like PHP, AJAX
Working Days

We pledge min 150 hours of work per month.

Working Hours: Monday - Friday, excluding Saturday, Sunday and Indian National holidays / Major festivals.

Special time frame for those who hire more than 2 full time web designers or web developers.

Web Developers Monthly Package: For web developers starts from USD $ 1800/- onwards. The price varies according to your requirement

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